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Conservative Comedian Who Rails Against DEI Initiatives at Delta Air Lines Gets Put On No Fly List And Banned For Life

Conservative Comedian Who Rails Against DEI Initiatives at Delta Air Lines Gets Put On No Fly List And Banned For Life

a plane flying in the sky

A right leaning conservative comedian who has railed against DEI initiatives at Delta Air Lines has landed himself on a No Fly List and has been banned from flying with the Atlanta-based carrier for life after he shared a photograph of a flight attendant wearing a Pride flag pin on their uniform.

Once named ‘NY’s Funniest Comedian’ at the New York Comedy Festival and has appeared on America’s Got Talent, Tyler Fischer has amassed more than 159,000 followers on X and millions of views on his YouTube comedy where he often critiques ‘woke’ culture.

But a crude joke aimed at Delta Air Lines at the expense of a flight attendant last year ended with Fischer being slapped with a lifetime ban, because the airline says it can’t risk having him on its planes in the future.

“During the flight, you took a photo of our flight attendant, who was wearing a pin permitted under Delta policies,” the letter sent to Fischer by Delta following the incident read.

“You subsequently posted the photo on X, along with vulgar and hurtful language towards our flight attendant’s perceived sexual orientation. Delta is proud to employ 100,000 individuals from many backgrounds who serve all our customers and their communities,” the letter continued.

“In short, the post was disrespectful towards our flight attendant and contrary to Delta’s values and culture.”

“We have deemed your behavior to be unacceptable and made the decision to now allow you to fly Delta Air Lines,” the letter added. “For the safety of our crew members and our customer, we cannot risk this type of behavior from you again.”

Since being banned as a Delta customer, Fischer has accused the airline of treating him like a “terrorist” and in the wake of the crash landing of Delta Connection flight 4819 at Toronto Pearson Airport on Monday, Fischer has ramped up his rhetoric against the airline.

In one post on X, the comedian said Delta was “OBSESSED with the race and sexual preferences of their workers” and in another he joked that his comedy had brought down the CRJ regional jet in Toronto.

Fischer has managed to make his lifetime ban from Delta a major part of his comedy, calling his new standup comedy tour the ‘No Fly List’ tour, alongside what appears to be a stylized version of Delta’s logo.

Following several incidents of customers taking photos of Delta flight attendants and sharing them online, there were calls for the airline to ban this type of behavior, although Delta said that in most cases, this simply wasn’t possible.

After consulting with its legal teams, Delta reviewed the Federal Aviation Regulations and determined that while customers must comply with specific crew member instructions, the FARs do not list photography restrictions as an instruction that flight attendants can impose on passengers.

Delta did, however, reassure flight attendants that it would continue to support crew members when the content captured by passengers was “not well-intentioned.”

View Comments (61)
  • Complete bs. Banning him because he took a picture and posted it. There is no expectation of privacy on an airplane. Delta has gone so woke.

  • Delta is a certificated air carrier engaged in the public transportation of passengers. Sometimes it receives somewhat exclusive air rights awarded to the US public by the US federal government (China routes for instances, Haneda slots, DCA slots). Busineses like these should not be able to discriminate against the public with arbitrary and sometimes frivolous ‘no fly lists’ without some form of judicial oversight,

      • It’s a private business that took $4 billion bucks of taxpayer money and is protected from foreign competition by cabotage laws

      • The village idiot has striken. Instead of having constructism critism, the idiot in a pavlovian reaction utter gibberish.

        “A common carrier is a person or a commercial enterprise that transports passengers or goods for a fee and establishes that their service is open to the general public ”

        On top of that, Delta is certainly not a private business. Oh well

    • He posted the picture of the attendant with a comment about eating pussy and sucking dick. I dsont want him on a plane with me and I’m not too keen on you either.

    • Indeed, business like these should not be able to discriminate against the public with arbitrary and sometimes frivolous ‘no fly lists’. Indeed, Delta did not. Bravo to Delta for standing up for an an employee victimized by such malicious and self serving verbal assault. According to sources like Wikipedia and Merriam-Webster, “woke” means “aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)”, unless you want to falsify its meaning and promote positions that have no actual justification.

      • If they shouldn’t be able to discriminate, then cake bakers shouldn’t be able to not bake wedding cakes for gay couples., right? So, if you think that Delta should not be able ban someone from their services due to their sincerely held beliefs, then why should cake barkers who have sincerely held beliefs about gay marriage be allowed to ban someone from their services?

  • When a passenger purchases a ticket from Delta Air Lines, he or she agrees to the Conditions of Contract. These are available in formal legal terms and in plain English. Section 7E addresses passenger behaviour.
    As a corporation, Delta has the right to decline service to anyone, and such decisions are at Delta’s discretion.

    There is no “Freedom of Speech” issue since the First Amendment only applies to government intervention.

    Airline cabin crews–and the airline industry–has an impressive history of inclusivity for LGBT populations. If a pride flag is deemed too “woke,” I suggest re-assessing one’s values. I care if a cabin crew member is competent in a wide range of emergencies, is gracious, welcoming, and attentive to detail. A flight attendant can be an ally, supporter, or identify of LGBT. That does not have any bearing on that flight attendant’s ability to provide a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment.

    If you cannot handle a pride flag, it’s time to reconsider what is to bothersome to you. What is triggering this fear, anger, and outrage? Perhaps it’s time to look within and see why it is so enraging to see a flight attendant with a lapel pin. Are you struggling with your own masculinity? Confused about your own romantic attractions? Or do you have fundamental misunderstandings about what it means to be LGBT or to serve cabin crew?

    Maybe it’s time to explore anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication, counselling, psychotherapy. Anyone so devastated by a pride flag seems like someone struggling with far too many negative emotions, an inability to filter genuine and real threats.

    If the plane is on fire, I want to most well-prepared, calm cabin crew. The rest of their lives and believes are immaterial.

    Also, a lapel pin can be used (like wings) to pop open an oxygen mask panel in an emergency. That pride flag could save your life.

    • I am a classical Republican in keeping with the values of President Eisenhower and I applaud your commitment to seeing the truth. Very based.
      People like this “comedian” would label people like me and Eisenhower as “radical leftists” when in reality they’re desperate to seize power so they can oppress and mistreat others to their own advantage without consequence.

      • I fly alot and definitely see that there is a strong racial imbalance in delta flight attendants, marketing materials, in flight training video; they do not represent their customers. Many airlines are able to do this but delta appears to discriminate against Asians, elderly, and whites.

        • Obviously you don’t fly Delta very much OR you don’t pay attention to the safety video on their aircraft. “alot”, by the way is two words. The marketing materials you refer to must be very antiquated.

    • Pride flag and DEI (DID NOT EARN IT) slogans are not valid for the operation of an airline who’s PUBLIC CHARGE is the safe transportation of the public. I want EXPERIENCED AND WELL TRAINED crews that that are competent in their fields and not some who is there because of their gender/ race/ sexual identity / preferences. There are two genders and both better be QUALIFIED TO DO THEIR JOB ( merit based)

  • Good for Delta for standing up for their employees on this one. My opinion has nothing to do with DEI or free speech or taking photos of staff or “wokeness”. An airline is entirely within their right to refuse service to anyone that they deem is a potential threat or to someone has a problem with acting like an adult or to someone they deem is a safety risk., and the case is well documented. It sounds like the comedian violated Delta’s “Conditions of Carriage” .No shoes, no shirt, no service. Tim Dunn should chime in here with his take.

  • Kinda silly isn’t it? So much research goes into HATE. Who has that sort of free time/energy. I need to get my whites whiter, and get that stain out of my husbands shirt. Geez Awful how uncivil we are to one another.

    • Apparently one person’s capricious is another’s this is truly the right course of action. As a 40 year Captain for another major airline, this is the right course of action.

      • Policing speech far outside, in an online forum, with no threatening language to an employee is capricious.

        Threats – verbal or otherwise on an airplane or in an airport directly at an employee, have at it – that’s the airline’s business.

  • Because of this, Delta was taken off as the preferred carrier of a fairly large business conference later this year. Nobody but Delta will know because details hadn’t been published yet. However, it was a major multimillion dollar hit to their revenue. Steve Sear is painfully aware of the decision.


    • Assuming this is true, “because details hadn’t been published yet”, it’s probably something Delta is fine with. If this conference organizer is so entrenched in maga rhetoric that they would do this, then it’s probably a conference most of us wouldn’t be attending anyway, and those that do attend, Delta wouldn’t want on their planes.

    • …and many others will love Delta even more for taking a stand against this horrible person and will buy a ticket. They are a well-run airline and will continue to thrive in spite of this.

  • But somehow it’s okay in his world for him to shame and mock said employee without any sort of repurcussion. This is the victim mentality of a right-wing bigot.

  • Leftist censorship continues at mach one speed. I am not familiar with comedian or what he says but regardless of what anyone feels on either side, censorship of freedom of speech should never be tolerated.

  • It’s not the pic & post that got him banned it was the rhetoric attached. When will this guy realize he isn’t a comedian, he’s the joke. Sound familiar daddy? BTW here’s a woke flash for yea: Delta has always been “so woke”.

  • Hope department of transportation investigates Delta airlines and whoever put this guy on the ‘no fly list’ is fired! This woke unlawful thing must be stopped.

  • Capricious??? Delta has always been “woke”. This is not a sudden change in behavior. Stop using big words you haven’t looked up.

  • The comedian FAFO. Don’t post publicly people’s faces and besmirch/marginalize/ridicule their views or beliefs. Go ahead and attack an individual with that, and you’re fair game to be not wanted as a customer.

    Free speech doesn’t mean free from consequences.

  • For a “comedian” to which I have never heard of and asserts to not care is sure going out of his way to make “Delta” his work for a lifetime. Good Luck with that. The lifetime ban is alot worse that jokes from a comedian that few of heard of bagging on the airline. All I can say what a complete loser.

  • At the end of the day, the ban doesn’t meet any of the criteria for discrimination, so it’s unlikely you could win a lawsuit to overturn the ban.
    People can agree or disagree all they want, but Delta, like any business, can refuse service to anyone they want as long as they can substantiate that they aren’t discriminating against you.

    You’re free to state your position with your pocketbook. That’s probably the most powerful statement you can give to a business.

    But I would state given the culture in America, from “I treasure my privacy” to “I don’t want anyone spying on me” to “to I’m buying a gun to protect myself”, I find it hard to believe that anyone would defend your right to take a picture of someone, post it on a public forum with some disparaging remarks, acceptable, especially if it’s done without permission.

  • Shame on Delta. I hope the Trump Administration comes down on Delta like a ton of bricks and fines the living daylights out of Delta. I see that Delta allows its personnel to wear pins promoting “Pride”. This begs the question: Does Delta also allow its personnel to wear pins promoting an opposing viewpoint?

  • I’m 100% pro-Trump, but this “comedian” went way too far and I support what Delta did here. It’s a free country, and if somebody wants to wear a pride pin, especially if it’s allowed by their employer, then they should be free to do so.

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