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Turkish Airlines Awarded Coveted Guinness World Record For Flying to More Countries Than Any Other Airline

Turkish Airlines Awarded Coveted Guinness World Record For Flying to More Countries Than Any Other Airline

  • Turkish Airlines officially flies to 120 countries - a lead of 30 more countries than its closest rival.
a large airplane taking off

Turkish Airlines has earned a coveted Guinness World Record after the “global authority on all things record-breaking” officially announced that the Istanbul-based carrier flies to more countries than any other airline.

Based on the criteria set by Guinness, Turkish Airlines smashed the record with flights to 120 countries, although if you include routes that have been temporarily suspended, as well as recently launched flights, the carrier actually flies to more than 130 countries.

Turkish Airlines has long flown to more countries than any other airline. In fact, the carrier has had the world’s most extensive route network since 2012, although this is the first time that Guinness World Records has officially commemorated the achievement.

The chances of any other airline catching up with Turkish Airlines anytime soon are pretty remote. The carrier has a 30-country lead over its closest competitor, and chances are that Turkish Airlines will continue adding more countries to its network.

Earlier this week, the airline launched its latest route to Santiago, Chile, where officials from Guinness World Records presented chief executive Bilal Ekşi with the sought-after award.

Earlier this year, Indy Nelson from San Francisco was awarded the Guinness World Record for the most airlines flown after the tech product manager clocked up travels with 170 different airlines.

During this time, on so many airlines, Indy has managed to travel to 197 countries, a fair number more countries than Turkish Airlines currently flies to.

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