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Delta Air is Eliminating ‘Buddy Passes’ As An Employee Benefit But Carrier Sweetens Other Travel Perks For Staffers

Delta Air is Eliminating ‘Buddy Passes’ As An Employee Benefit But Carrier Sweetens Other Travel Perks For Staffers

a plane flying in the air

Delta Air Lines plans to eliminate cheap ‘buddy pass’ tickets for employees’ friends and families within the next two years as part of major changes to the travel perks the Atlanta-based carrier offers staffers.

For readers who are not in the know, a buddy pass is a type of standby ticket that airline employees can offer to friends and family members at a significantly lower price than the full-fare ticket.

A buddy pass is not a confirmed ticket, and ‘buddy pass riders’ will only get a seat on the plane once full-fare passengers, employees, and their nominated companions have been accommodated.

Buddy pass rules differ from airline to airline but at present, Delta currently offer employees eight buddy passes per year that they can gift to friends and family members who aren’t a nominated ‘companion’.

From next year, however, Delta plans to slash the number of buddy passes it makes available to employees to just four and in 2026 the buddy pass program will be completely eliminated.

Apart from getting paid, Delta employees have consistently told the airline that deeply discounted flights are the most valued benefit the carrier offers staff, and the airline says it has decided to ‘sunset’ the buddy pass program based on employee feedback.

To sweeten the elimination of buddy passes, however, Delta is introducing a number of other benefits which should give employees and their companions more chance of getting on busy flights when on a standby ticket.

For example, Delta will soon increase the number of standy tickets that employees can buy with a higher boarding priority code than other non-revenue ticket holders. The so-called S2 boarding priority can now be used eight times per year – up from the current allotment of six times per year.

The airline will also allow employees to nominate two companions who aren’t traveling with the staff member at a slightly lower boarding priority level – until now Delta employees could only have one companion in addition to their direct family members.

Delta also says it plans to expand its ‘Fly Confirmed for Less’ program, which allows staffers to buy confirmed tickets at a slightly reduced price – typically around 15% cheaper than what the airline sells the same ticket to regular customers.

Although a valuable perk, Buddy passes aren’t without their issues, and in the past, staffers have landed themselves in hot water because of the inappropriate behavior of the passengers to whom they’ve offered their passes.

In many cases, employees are held accountable for the behavior of their pass riders, even if they don’t know them that well. Airline staffers are encouraged only to offer passes to people they know and trust and to educate them about the kind of behavior that is expected of them.

In the past, airline employees have also faced disciplinary action after they were caught selling their buddy passes for a profit.

In August, Delta also gave tens of thousands of staff members two free tickets to anywhere in the airline’s global network as a way to thank them for their ‘heroic efforts’ during the operational meltdown the airline suffered in the wake of Crowdstrike IT outage.

The meltdown cost Delta at least $500 million after the airline was forced to cancel more than 5,000 flights and delay many more after it lost track of where its pilots and flight attendants were in its network.

Delta continues to blame Crowdstrike for its operational woes despite the fact that other airlines quickly recovered from the outage. The airline continues to threaten legal action against the global IT security company unless it agrees to foot Delta’s losses.

View Comments (10)
  • The secondary companion is only at S3B priority meaning ONLY PARENTS, NONDEPENDENT CHILDREN & RETIREES can be added. The primary companion is not the same as the secondary companion unfortunately.

  • Thank goodness, they are enemy passes, not buddy passes. Fastest way to loose a friend, give your clueless friend a buddy pass. With Delta’s loads being soooo heavy ALL THE TIME all buddy pass riders do is make things harder. Especially the gate agents.

  • Your article reveals way too much about employee flight benefits. So some respect for the employees personal job perks.

  • The fact that as some of us gave 10% of our salary to purchase The Spirt of Delta was never acknowledged nor rewarded with a higher priority passes seems a bit unfair.. I realize that we did so voluntarily, but we were never acknowledged. Yet the employees that happened to be employed during the Operational Meltdown received two free Global Passes as job well done. Delta received a lot of positive notoriety from The Spirit yet we never received a pat on the back. Yes I do realize that it is a different Airline.

  • For the most part good article. Your airline experience shows, except towing of the Ed Bastien lie about crowd strike.

    One thing you may want to recheck. “Fly for less” program is not 15% less. It can be same or more than fare found online

    Also, the reason it’s difficult to get on is cos delta used the high oil prices to “weight optimize “ flights; meaning flights leave with empty seats. After the price of oil falling , delta still loads cargo before employees.

    So knowing deltas sneakiness, this program will probably have some “devil in the details” that have not been reported on

  • I say great job delta. As a spouse of an employee and a vendor for delta for decades delta is the best. Employees want more yet due less they need to improve customer service ie treat luggage better along with customers.
    I’ve seen the interaction between Employees and customers yes they have some agents that go out the way but it’s those agents that do wrong that give delta a bad rep..

  • Major legacy airlines loathe non-revenue passengers in the ticket lobby (esp. CDG) and gate areas ! “””” SORRY – NO SB4’s on this flight !”””Flights are jam packed . Buddy pass flyers have been known to wait 5 days in europe during august and early september.

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