Flight attendants have demanded Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) remove welcome posters that were put up for the National Rifle Association annual convention following the tragic mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas last Tuesday.
Sara Nelson, international president of the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA) says her office has been inundated with calls from flight attendants over the posters which read: ‘Welcome to Houston 2022 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits’.
Nelson, who is often described as the most powerful flight attendant in the United States, says passengers have also expressed concern over the welcome posters which were put up after 19 children and two adults were gunned down and killed in a classroom in Robb Elementary School.
The NRA decided to go ahead with its 151st annual convention in Houston from May 27 to May 29, 2022, despite fierce criticism by gun control campaigners who have lashed out at the NRA’s intense lobbying in opposition of additional gun legislation.
In an open letter to the Director of Aviation for Houston Airports, Nelson said the NRA welcome posters were “triggering following the horrific tragedy in Uvalde.”
“A small number of workers and passengers traversing IAH this weekend will be attendees of the NRA convention, but so will hundreds of thousands of Americans who are horrified by recent events and the NRA’s role in facilitating the ongoing scrouge of gun violence in America”.
“Our union has already received numerous horrified messages from flight attendants and the public about the signs in IAH welcoming the NRA to Houston,” Nelson wrote.
“As the mother of a sixth-grader and a person of good conscience, I too would be horrified to finds signs welcoming this event just days after the mass murder of innocent children and their teachers just a few hundreds miles away”.
“The Houston Airport System has no obligation to cause further discomfort or trauma to hundreds of thousands of aviation workers and passengers on behalf of the organizers and attendees of this event,” the letter continued.
The Association of Flight Attendants represents more than 50,000 flight attendants including crew members at United Airline which has a major hub in Houston. In 2018, a United captain lost his daughter when she was shot and killed during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
At the time, the NRA proposed routinely arming teachers rather than supporting measures that could reduce the number of guns in the community. Nelson compares the policy suggestion against the weapons ban on U.S. airliners.
“We know that adding guns to Americans’ workplaces will not make them safer,” Nelson wrote.
The labor activist has become increasingly outspoken and recently slammed the Supreme Court over its draft abortion rights ruling.
Mateusz Maszczynski honed his skills as an international flight attendant at the most prominent airline in the Middle East and has been flying ever since... most recently for a well known European airline. Matt is passionate about the aviation industry and has become an expert in passenger experience and human-centric stories. Always keeping an ear close to the ground, Matt's industry insights, analysis and news coverage is frequently relied upon by some of the biggest names in journalism.
Probably still quadruple masked and on their seventeenth booster too. Woke dorks.
Smart Republicans wear N95 masks and get vaccinated.
More NRA members will attend the NRA convention in Houston than there are members of her labor union. It’s all political in her eyes.
Salvador Ramos was a sick individual and because his juvenile record could not be used he was able to purchase two rifles when he recently turned 18 and possessed a handgun illegally. He had these weapons in his grandparent’s home which was illegal due to his grandfather being a felon and he lived there because he couldn’t get along with his parents who had called the cops because of his threats to his mother. He had a history of driving around shooting people with a BB gun, cutting his face with a knife, and other strange behavior that may have played a part in his failure to graduate high school recently. He was mad the day of the shooting because school was still in session and got into an argument with his grandmother so he shot her in the head, took off in their F150 which he later crashed into a traffic barricade, and run it into a ditch. He left one of the rifles in the truck at this point. Responding officers engaged with him so he shot at them and that is when he entered the school (wearing a ballistic vest). The school should have been locked down with armed security but it was in a “gun-free” zone so not even teachers could be armed. On the way into the school, he dropped a bag that had some of his ammunition in it. It is hard to predict what a sick criminally minded person will do but I have to guess that he wasn’t “triggered” by NRA posters 300 miles away in Houston Texas. Liberal labor union activists may be “triggered” by such a thing but then again they are looking for ways to take away your constitutional rights to feed their socialist agenda.
Anybody remember when flight attendants actually made an effort to make sure that you enjoyed your flight and the service onboard?