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Flight Attendant Injured After Pilot Collapses and Falls On Top Of Her

Flight Attendant Injured After Pilot Collapses and Falls On Top Of Her


A flight attendant on a Lufthansa flight from Palma de Mallorca to Frankfurt was injured in a bizarre incident when one of the two pilots flying the aircraft lost consciousness, collapsed and fell on top of her.

The accident occurred on Lufthansa flight LH1507 on September 18 around 45 minutes before landing in Frankfurt but German aviation regulators have decided not to investigate the incident any further declaring that it wasn’t serious enough according to the AV Herald.

According to witnesses aboard the flight, the First Officer left the flight deck in order to go to the toilet but blacked out without warning and fell to the floor. In the process, the pilot hit a flight attendant who was stood nearby in the forward galley and took her with him.

Luckily a doctor was onboard the plane and was amongst passengers who rushed to the galley to provide medical assistance. Although the pilot had injured his arm, he quickly recovered when his legs were raised to bring blood back to his head.

After checking his blood pressure and other observations, the pilot was declared fit to go back in the flight deck and the flight landed without further incident. Thankfully, the First Officer took on the role of pilot monitoring, while the Captain actually landed the aircraft.

Unfortunately, the flight attendant was more seriously injured in the tumble and wasn’t fit to continue her duties.

Lufthansa has been contacted for comment but no immediate update on the condition of either the pilot or flight attendant was available.

It’s not unheard of for flight attendants to be injured in the later stages of a flight by unexpected turbulence but the cause of this injury is definitely far more unique.

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