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Another Woman Claims She Was Chucked Off Alaska Airlines Flight For Wearing a Crop Top

Another Woman Claims She Was Chucked Off Alaska Airlines Flight For Wearing a Crop Top

a woman wearing a mask and a plane

A woman claims she was repeatedly harassed by an Alaska Airlines flight attendant because she was wearing a crop top that the crew member claimed was “inappropriate”. A video of the woman explaining her side of the story to police officers who hauled her off the plane on Friday night in front of her child has since gone viral on TikTok and has been viewed more than 1.3 million times.

The incident comes just a month after another woman says she was “slut-shamed” by an Alaska Airlines flight attendant for wearing a crop top and was repeatedly berated by the crew member despite immediately covering up by zipping up her jacket.


@Alaska Airlines Flight attendant harassed and called the airport police on me for my inappropriate outfit. #bbw #plussize #plussizeedition #bbws #fyp

♬ original sound – Trophy

Despite Alaska being forced to issue a public apology over the first incident, the latest dress code furore has remarkable similarities with last month’s debacle. The humiliated female passenger immediately pulled down her top at the request of the flight attendant in order to cover her midriff but flight attendants challenged her at least three times over her choice of clothing.

Going by the stage name Fat Trophy Wife, the singer and composer was on her way to a gig when flight attendants told her to cover up.

“I was harassed about my outfit,” the singer told police officers who had been called by Alaska Airlines to have her physically removed from the aircraft.

“They asked me to put my shirt on, I put my shirt back on, and then they approached me again, saying that I can’t wear this, my stomach is showing and it’s inappropriate. And I said ‘I’m covered up, I’m fine.'”

“And she (the flight attendant) kept on going… That was the third time they approached me about my outfit,” the woman said almost incredulously

The singer said she looked up Alaska’s dress code policy and realized she was well within the rules. Alaska says its dress code is casual and most things are allowed, although there are a few things that could get you kicked off a plane.

Bare feet are a definite no, no, while tatty or soiled clothing could also see you booted from an Alaska Airlines flight. Clothing or other items that are deemed by gate agents or flight attendants to be “lewd, profane, obscene, or patently offensive,” are also off-limits.

When it comes to crop tops, however, Alaska says uncovered torsos aren’t permitted with the exception of the midriff.

In a second video, Fat Trophy Wife showed off her outfit after being permitted to fly again – along with a pair of black high waisted cycling shorts, she was also wearing a pink short-sleeved top that revealed the midriff.

In the first video, the officers reassure the singer that she hasn’t committed any crimes as she becomes increasingly upset that her choice of outfit resulted in the police being called.

View Comments (3)
  • She was not whining and she has every right to be treated fairly. If a transgender was on that flight dressed similar and chose to call himself the fairy princess people would be all over the airlines asses saying that they were homophobic. These flight attendants need to know they place. People should be mad that their tax dollars are wasted on police responding to such foolery.

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