British supermodel Naomi Campbell has just revealed her airport routine in a new video on her YouTube channel Being Naomi and it really is essential viewing. Campbell, who became one of the most in-demand fashion models in the late 1980s and 1990s, had a camera follow her as she wandered around Nice airport before boarding her Qatar Airways flight to Doha – yes, even supermodels sometimes fly commercial.
And what did we learn from Naomi’s journey – 1. just like many of us she loves a good gander around Duty Free, and 2. she is fastidious about cleanliness. And we mean really fastidious.
Of course, Naomi was chauffeured to the plane and was the first person to board but at this point, the 49-year old model and businesswoman got very hands on. First, she unpacks her ‘hydration pack’ with all sorts of lotions and facemasks to keep dry skin at bay.
And then… out comes a pair of latex gloves. As she dons the gloves, Naomi whips out a pack of Dettol anti-bacterial wipes and starts wiping down every single surface around her Business Class seat. “I do not care,” Naomi tells the camera in response to anyone you might be judging her on the routine that she says she does on every flight.
“It’s my health,” she explains, “it just makes me feel better.”
After a very thorough wipe down, next comes her very own seat cover – in hot pink. “I change them every week,” Naomi says – presumably, she doesn’t trust the cleanliness of the standard seat cover.
If that wasn’t enough, Naomi obviously doesn’t want to take any chances with the bugs being shared by her seatmates. Once seated, out comes a cloth face mask to protect her from unwanted germs. “No matter what plane you take, commercial or private, as the plane descends people start coughing and sneezing,” she explains.
“And the coughing and sneezing makes me… I just can’t”.
Campbell was famously banned from flying with British Airways for several years back in 2008 after flying into a rage when staff told her that her baggage could not be loaded on the flight. Police boarded the plane and Campbell was arrested after allegedly spitting at an officer.
At the time, a spokesperson for the model said that they hoped the situation could be “resolved amicably” and highlighted how much business the Campbell had given the airline over the years.
What do you think of Naomi’s approach to plane seat cleanliness?
Mateusz Maszczynski honed his skills as an international flight attendant at the most prominent airline in the Middle East and has been flying ever since... most recently for a well known European airline. Matt is passionate about the aviation industry and has become an expert in passenger experience and human-centric stories. Always keeping an ear close to the ground, Matt's industry insights, analysis and news coverage is frequently relied upon by some of the biggest names in journalism.